Duck Terrine, must do one…

UPDATE : This is similar but different to the other Duck Meat Loaf I do.
This one is more “classic” as it is with porc.
The other one can be found here!

I decided to make a few classics for the weekend as my brother’s family is coming for lunch on Sunday…digging out a few old recipes…

I will make a chicken liver pate, some roasted belly porc, a duck terrine, some bread, pickled shallots and most likely we will try the “Coppa” which has been drying in the garage for almost 2 months now…

As an adjustment to the recipe below, today in 2023, I would use a thermometer to adjust the cooking time to reach a “pink” but cooked colour for the final product.


The below was first published on 15th July 2021.

Oli's Duck Terrine :

2 Duck Magrets
250g of minced pork
125g of pancetta or bacon cubes
1 egg (yellow and white)

parsley bunch
salt (very little if you use more bacon)
mixed black and pink pepper (for the flavour)
nutmeg (grated)
cayenne pepper (for the bite)

Oli's secret incredients (!)
2 "screw tops" of Red Martini (sweet taste)
2 or 3 "TUC" biscuits crushed into powder (salty breadcrumb substitute)

Skin the 2 magrets (pull hard) and keep skins
mince the magrets with "small" setting on kenwood mincer
stir everything including the egg in the kenwood (with the Hook paddle)
you should get a fairly moist loaf.

line a terrine with the magret skins (on the sides only)
fill the meat loaf in the terrine
put a twig of thyme or two on top
tiny bit of salt and pepper on top

bake in oven for 1 hour on 160C. this will sort of slow cook it.
bake further for 20/30 minutes a 200c. this will brown the top.
This second phase of 
baking is where you decide how "pink"/dry the terrine will be at the end.

take out of oven once cooked.
let cool down
put in fridge overnight/until next day.

Serve with toasted bread and pickled shallots/gerkins
Goes nice with Rhone Valley rustic wine...


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