Author Archives: admin

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Almost Xmas…so many deaths

So many people are affected every day in the world, does not look like 2021 will be any better than 2020…at this rate. 400 people per day in the UK. Still using my small software to get the data from … Continue reading

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Bechamel Sauce

This post is to save for future reference the recipe for Bechamel sauce, the base sauce for French cuisine Bechamel was a french financier during the reign of king Louis ivx, so I should know it by heart !!   … Continue reading

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I hate Planning, I like surprises

’The nicest thing about NOT planning ahead is that business failure comes as a complete surprise, and is not preceded by a period of worry and depression!”.

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Processing 2

I have recently discovered the Processing programming environment, following some more experimentation with Arduino hardware. It feels like I am back in front of my TRS-80, but with GHZ of power, the door seems to open again to plenty of … Continue reading

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Pickled Shallots

Again a good old family traditional. Shallots / Spring Onions A few cloves / Ground Ginger / Pickling Spices Malt Vinegar. Very nice with “Hate Levee”, to be done next week sometime once the shallots have pickled a bit more.

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