Caramel au Beurre Salé

IMG_2503Just back from Holiday and our friends in the south of France introduced us to “Caramel au beurre Salé !”. It is a recipe from Brittany. It is now an addiction for the entire family. I had to try to make some today.

Ingredients :
100g Sugar
40g Salted Butter (or Butter+Fleur de Sel)
20cl Single Cream
How to Make :
Put sugar in Sauce Pan over a strong heat. I tried to use my Kenwood Chef but it cannot get the heat into the sugar.
Stir constantly because the sugar will start to melt and might stick to the pan
Continue to stir until you have a melted sugar, slightly brown.
Take off the heat
Mix slowly the butter, be careful it will foam and plash !
Heat the cream in microwave for a minute
Pour the cream in the caramel over a low heat (just to keep everything cooking)
Stir and Stir and Stir again.
Once you have the right / preferred consticancy take off the heat.
Pour in a jar and let it cool, then put into fridge to get final product.

Enjoy !

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