QuadCopters – Update 1

IMG_2805Almost Xmas !

As usual, I am getting myself a few toys…this year one of them is a new QuadCopter kit from Team Black Sheep. I have purchased half of the parts from USA and half from UK. In particular it is necessary to purchase the Lithium Ion batteries from UK to avoid complicated transport issues.

I will post here a few updates as I progress in the build.

My friend Geraud is doing exactly the same and we are planning to race each other soon…Star Wars style….

The kit consist of mainly :

4 motors with 30A controllers and propellers

A multi layer frame to carry all the electronics and the battery

A video camera to provide the “vision” back to the pilot

A video camera for high resolution footage

A GPS system to help stabilise the very unstable craft !

A video transmission system with on-screen-display of vital statistics (battery voltage, speed, altitude, heading, etc…)

A remote control transmitter and receiver and a small tv screen to watch it all happen…

Here is a couple of Teasers…

UPDATE 1: I have now finished the build and have been flying a few times. So far mostly using the drone as a remote helicopter without the first person view goggles. I did a couple of flights with the first person view mode and have enjoyed it very much, need to build confidence to fly closer to the ground and faster…

I just went to Spain for a week and did a few videos with the footage from the onboard GoPro camera. See for yourself below :


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