Consecutive Conundrum

IMG_3654I built this last week. It is for my brother’s Xmas gift. It is a small game, where you need to put the pegs into the slots but the numbers cannot be connected to each-other if they are consecutive. It all looks simple, but when you start playing with it, it reveals it difficulty. Still need to finish it and find the solution….might need to code a small program to solve the conundrum. Will post here the code and final picture of solved problem when it is all finished.

I used, Inventor as usual and adobe illustrator for the lines and text.


Laser cut the whole thing in 3mm birch plywood.

Made the pegs from multiple layers of small 20mmX20mm square cuts. Laser engraved the top with numbers on one of the sets.

Made some sort of closing mechanism for the top lid to rest on the front of the box and is articulated enough to open fully. Used the usual tabs and slots to keep everything square when I glued it all together.

The whole thing fits onto a 60cmX40cm sheet of wood, so it would be a good project for schools to do the lasercut and the programming of the solution.

I finished it with Danish oil, “Canadian Cedar colour”. Made a small design logo as well…


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