Avocado Growing

avocado12Wanted to add a new plant to my hydroponics experiments. I have had plenty of setbacks recently with my lack of attention to watering….!

I really need to get moving on that Raspberry pi controlled watering system, it has been in the works for probably 12 months or more. Jules has already made a proof of concept and the code is ready for deployment…still need to make a box and work out what exactly we are going to do with that project. It is a lot harder than it first seem to program a machine to measure the soil humidity and provide the right plant with the appropriate amount of water. All this for another post in the future.

I wanted to print a 3D part that would make it easy to germinate an avocado seed. After a few web searches, I settled on the design in the pictures. It allows for the piece of plastic to sit nicely in a glass of water and allow for the roots to start….well hopefully.

I will post pictures of the thing at work, but first need to eat an avocado ! Did I mention that I was playing with this project at Easter ?


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