Laser Lamp

lamp3I continue to love my laser cutter. Probably one of my preferred electric tool in the workshop. It is bulky, and a bit scary to use but it feels like cheating or magic.

It is the kind of tool that make your mind explode with ideas. I know I will never have enough time in my lifetime to use it properly. It seems like a waste of money when you think that some people build entire businesses on the back of one of these machines. I find so much satisfaction in using this tool that it is all worth it.

My life at work is all about process, control, analytics and unfortunately making some unpopular decisions.

I find in my workshop the opportunity to spend time free of constraints and simply let go some creative juice. At the same time, the tools I use are challenging intellectually to make them work properly. Sometimes it is very frustrating as the tools do not work as you think they will, or something breaks, or something trips the whole electrics of the house and everybody in my house hates me ! (…a bit like in the office then)

Net net, I learn new skills every time I use one of my tools in my digital fabrication laboratory, I do not necessary make anything special but I like to compare it to playing the guitar for most enthusiasts. I do not intent to create a new “Purple Rain” but simply let myself go with the flow.

This weekend, I was determined to create a Laser cut lamp. Using one of my LIFX light bulbs.

I wanted to replicate one of those designs that you can find at John Lewis or some trendy designer stores. I made the design in Inventor and then laser cut the parts. It is only 3 parts. A bottom ring to hold the light bulb, a top ring to hold the shape and 20 blades to go round the overall design. I signed one of the blades to keep a souvenir of @when@ I made this lamp.

I am already planning a taller brother to this lamp design. Just need to find a bit more time to actually make it….

[UPDATE] I finally got some time to make the taller version. I am very pleased with the overall project. I love the “Mother and son” type of relationship between the lamps. Although the picture here is showing the very colourful lamps, it actually is nicer in my opinion with more simple colour schemes or some off-white colours.

lamp1 lamp2


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