More laser with Bamboo


I recently bought some Bamboo sheets. Hobarts is the first one I think to be selling these sheets. They are quite expensive at the moment with circa £15 for a 600X400 sheet. That is approx 3X the price of acrylic sheets and 5X the price of a normal plywood sheet.

bamboo5I have experimented with the laser cutter and it cuts very easily. The smoke has a different smell which gets a bit of getting used to.

With this wood you need to consider in which direction the wood grain is, in particular if you are going to put some stress across the grain. In contrast with the plywood sheets, the bamboo is glued in the @length@ and therefore is fairly weak in one of the 2 dimensions.

It makes nice boxes and the grain allows for some “effects” like simulating traditional joint or dove tail effects.

I made a box for Manu to put the “mess” of the various medications and vitamins are that re usually lying on the counter. They are all out of sight now in a simple box.

I also made a “trivet” for a good friend. They now have the “original”. I even forgot to take a picture.

I like the idea that such a simple and common item will be part of their everyday life but also a reminder of our friendship.


It is also Sunday evening and although I am not keen on getting back to the office, I am also glad that I can still help my son with some equations solving…well almost…

Must make another trivet so that I can take a picture and post here…

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