
powerbank1 powerbank2Made a powerbank with some lithium batteries so that I can power a Raspberry Pi on a field trip…Currently testing how long it will last under battery power.

It uses a 4200mah 4cells battery, delivering 14.8V to a UBEC 3A 5V converter. Should be around 12500mah if there is not too much wasted energy in the conversion etc…if I get 10000mah it will be good enough.

The 5V current monitoring tool is telling me that the Raspberry Pi is consuming approx 250ma per hour.

So I could hope for around 48 hours of “running”. I am sure that a solar panel will need to be added at some point…again this will need to wait !

[UPDATE 16th Oct 2016]

I have been running the Raspberry Pi all day with the powerbank. It has been running for approximately 12 hours and the battery is still approx 65% full. I am pleased that the system is working, but it is unlikely that it will run for 48 hours.

I will try to leave it overnight but I am concerned that I might forget it tomorrow morning and run the batteries flat. Potentially setting a fire ! (Lithium batteries are really scary)


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