Home front

New light at front of houseThe House needed a new light, this square design made of stainless steel should last at least 6 months (…) in the United Kingdom where 80% humidity is a daily occurrence.


This gave me the opportunity to use a few power tools. Nobody should ever complain about that.

On This occasion, the most notable was the Makita SDS, drilling into solid brick like if it was butter. 2X Size 8mm holes, depth about 4 cm in less than 30 seconds.

Dealing with electrics always makes me nervous!

I usually triple check the wiring with a voltmeter after tripping the fuse for the particular circuit. I usually do not trip the whole house because of the computers and server and home security and etc, so its always a bit “special” when I first touch the bare wires with my hands ! My electrician told me that the most important thing was to always take great care of insulating oneself from the live wires with “air” being the most efficient one. (i.e. not touching at all). My brother has been known to make sparks and flying screwdrivers.

He is still around but with a reduced amount of nervous system. (joke)

I’m Still here…

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