Ciabatta – Tupperware method !

Found this recipe and method on the internet and had to try it…really a cool and easy way to make a superb Ciabatta from scratch.

Check out my Bread making top 10 tips as well. (note half of yeast and olive oil are core difference to “standard” bread)



Ingredients :

  • A large Tupperware container or equivalent with a good lid
  • 385g White Flour
  • 288g water at 25 degrees Celsius or warm
  • 7g Salt
  • 38g olive oil
  • 2g dry yeast (yes “only” 2 g)

The how to make it easy to follow video.

How to make :

  • Dilute the yeast in the water in the Tupperware
  • Wait for the yeast to fully dissolve (3 minutes) before pouring the oil into it.
  • Add the flour and the salt
  • mix a bit but there is no need to knead the dough. A bit like making a sourdough starter.
  • The clever part of this recipe is several folds of the dough as it is rising in the container. Essentially a fold similar to a wallet fold on both sides. then let rest for 30 minutes.
  • Do this 2 or 3 times.
  • Then split the dough into 4 balls and shape with flour.
  • Place the 4 loaves of bread on a cloth with some flour
  • Then the last rise on a cloth, so that you can transfer into the hot oven at the end.
  • Cook in a 220 degrees celsius oven until golden or about 20 minutes.

Summary for rising :

  1. 45 minutes first rise
  2. Fold X4 then rise 30 minutes
  3. Fold X4 then rise 30 minutes
  4. Fold X4 then rise 40 minutes (not sure if 40 or 30 really make a big difference here)
  5. Sprinkle flour on top of the dough and on worktop, place dough on the worktop by putting container upside down on the countertop.
  6. Shape dough to have a square to make 4 bread loaves. Then cut in 4 pieces
  7. Sprinkle flour on dough and shape into small loaves of bread
  8. Place on canvas with flour and let rise one last time for 30 minutes
  9. Transfer onto oven delicately. cook at 220 for 15-18minutes.
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