2020 is a Leap Year

In 2020 we have one extra day to do “something”….given the state of our planet I will use this extra day to try to improve my CO2 footprint.

In 2018 we got rid of the petrol car and went full electric with the Tesla. In 2019 we installed solar panels.

But when you look at the below graphic it seems that there is still a lot to do and clearly changing our diet to a more plant-based diet should be part of the master plan. (by the way I recommend watching this…)

As I was browsing the internet to better understand how we “capture” CO2, I realised that there is almost “NO” solution other than planting trees…..which seems such a low tech solution and inefficient in terms of returns.

To illustrate the lack of technology to absorb the CO2, it would take 1 cubic meter of porous basalt (ie a rock of 1m by 1m by 1m) a full year to only “absorb” 0.5KG of Co2 from the atmosphere.

We challenged our friends in our yearly “New Year Wishes”  video to do something about the environment.

To fulfil my commitment, I am currently researching some sort of carbon capture device that I could build at home similar to this thing. I would love to work with these people….they seem to be having a lot of fun.

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