Word Clock

Yes, that is right, not a world clock, a word clock.

It tells the time in English…

Made it all from scratch using online inspiration, in particular, the faceplate.



I saw this first online a long time ago and then at Selfridges more recently, it reminded me that I must build one for myself. Various versions of this are sold for an enormous amount of money (£1000-£2000), there is much satisfaction in building one yourself.

The code is a copy and pastes from a version I found online. The box is made from scratch using Fusion360 and my laser cutter. I made 4 different iterations before getting to the right dimensions and hole alignment etc…this is the latest. Not 100% perfect but nobody will notice except me. Will do one last version…it is my OCD.

It is made of a Trinket 5V controlling a matrix of NeoPixels and the time is kept accurate using a Real-time Clock communicating to the Trinket using I2C protocol. The time is kept in memory in case of power cut through a small button battery.

As usual, it took me forever to get this project done…I bought the part almost a year ago exactly!

When I started this blog in 2012, I already had some interest for “time” in general. (As per the tag line ) Why do some people manage to do more things than me with the same amount of time as me? How can somebody become a president within 50 years and others struggle to do their tax returns on-time?

Why is there no “pause button” (that would be super cool) for time? [some science why]

When I was still working, I used to tell my team:
“Enjoy today like if it was the good old days……. because it is!”

Recently, I feel that time is taking me through life quicker than I would want it to. Seeing time as words rather than a running set of numbers or a needle counting seconds gives me a bit more peace to enjoy “now” as a dear friend used to tell me.


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