Just before confinement…

It is a bit more than a year that Guy left us. So much has happened since and the recent events are putting a lot of things in perspective.

Decided to take Guy on a motorbike ride with me today. He loved his motorbike and I know he was looking after me as I was getting back on the wild animal…with a 1.2L engine, 4 parallel carburettors, a V-Boost compressor, a shat-drive, 145 Horsepower, a loud puffing noise…

On many occasions, I have considered selling it. My brain says, I only do a few miles per year and it is costing me taxes, MOT and insurance, it is dangerous. My heart says… NEVER…. love it too much. The thrill and adrenaline always put a smile on my face. It reminds me of good times and brings them to the present.

As I come back home the prime minister just announced the full lockdown of the UK for the foreseeable future…I am glad I followed my instinct to do it “now” and not tomorrow.

Life is too short to wait for the right time just do it now.


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