End of Week 1- Coppa Corona

Time for me to check on my Corona-Coppa… started this a week and a half ago. It is a piece of pork shoulder which I have started to cure about 10days ago.

I salted the meat with Kosher salt for 1 day and 1 night in the fridge. I then washed thoroughly and dried it very well.


Then I took some black pepper and blitz to a coarse crush. Covered the meat on all sides and simply left in the open air within the fridge.

I am checking on the meat regularly and turning it from one side to the other to ensure that the moisture is not accumulating anywhere. It is important for the meat to stay dry to prevent any bad bacteria or mould to start growing on the meat.

So far so good.

I can allow myself a glass of red to get me waiting …..


I need to wait until the meat is 65% of whatever it was when I started…which could be 8 weeks…

I wish I had measured it at the start….

oh well….

will simply have to wait until I cannot resist the urge to tasting it…



I am also ready for a weekend treat with a nice milky-bread bun. It is a recipe from one of my nieces (Benedicte) with who I exchange recipes regularly!

Will document this recipe properly very soon…

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