Helping NHS – Staying home

After a couple of frustrating days trying to get my 3D printer to work as it is supposed to, I managed to get my first Face Shield made using a Czech design for a crowd of 3D printing enthusiast helping the NHS with a lack of protective equipment.

The crowd is printing the 3D frames and a charity is assembling, cleaning, distributing for us.

Only 30 hours to go before I can send my first batch.



Update: There is now 5500+ people producing parts like me…and friends on Facebook have reached for help etc…really cool. Also purchased some polypropylene for laser cutting a different shield. If it works, the production will be up to a hundred a day rather than the 5-7, I can do now.

As of Monday 13th. : 20 Shields complete. just run out of orange PETG


I use a type of plastic called PETG which is food safe and easy to clean even if the shields are expected to be only single-use shields. To print reliably with my setup requires 2H and 49 minutes of printing for the top part and about 30 minutes for 2 bottom parts. I am still challenging the group for the need for the bottom part full stop. The design might change over the coming weeks.

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