Happy birthday to my Brother !

I have recently started using my Sherline mini-metal lathe and mill which I purchased in the USA in 2007 or 2008. I have been learning how to machine metal very slowly over the years. I love the precision and process of machining metals. I think I would have been a good toolmaker in the past. (or there is one inside my DNA).

I would like to acquire a slightly larger lathe and a larger mill to be able to use “standard” size tools for them but for the moment the mini lathe and the mini mill are perfect for the small projects that I am doing at the moment.

There is so much to learn!

This is what I love the most about my workshop. I can simply get lost in upgrading, changing, moving, learning, cleaning, etc…it is so much more satisfying than browsing the internet or reading a book (for me) as there is always some sort of creative output at the end. Even if it is only a small cube of brass or a very flat piece of aluminium…

As I dived into the Spinning executive toys that I recently discovered. (see previous post).  I decided to make a nice brass spinning top for my little brother’s birthday.

It is presented in a laser-cut bamboo box that I made for it. The box is designed to be 45mm by 45mm by 45mm. The spinning top is made out from a 22mm brass bar, and has been machined with the lathe and then polished to a high shine to remove cutting marks.

Through much web-browsing, I discovered that to make the toy spin for longer, it is best to have a nice round tip. I add a small ball from a high-quality skateboard-bearing and press-fit it on the under-side of the spin-top. (isn’t that a sentence hard to read !)

If you make sure that most of the weight is as low as possible and take very good care to have a balanced round part, the toy will spin for a very long time. The shaft is hollow to reduce the high weight. This one is about 17grams and 20mm in diameter. It can spin for 5 minutes very easily.


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