Happy Valentine ’21

Happy Valentine in full confinement…although this round is a lot harder we can still try to have normal lives.

I have been playing with the “Processing” language for many years. [probably something like 2012]. The recent evolution has been towards P5.js which is a javascript library that provides very simple functions to make drawings on a webpage Canvas. I have used on occasions OpenProcessing but recently I have enjoyed the simplicity of P5.js to create quick visuals for the simple Generative Art I make.

I was inspired by some work done by Etienne Jacob after watching a youtube video of the Coding train of Daniel Shiffman…

I had to learn a lot about “easing” functions and GIF-making as well as dive back into trigonometric functions!

My preferred one is “X-plode”.


  • This first one is “Pi-R” :


  • This one is “+lse”:



  • This one is “X-plode”:



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