Smoke point for Oils

What oil for what temperature ?

Been wanting to keep a reminder of the various cooking Oils smoke point. This is the point at which the oil simply burns and is not fit for cooking anymore.

Often people would say that Olive Oil is not a good oil to use for frying food etc…



I would argue that you should try to keep the pan temperature slightly lower rather than simply putting it on full whack and burning everything…

I have not used Avocado Oil yet, and from the table below it seems that I should at least try it. I was also surprised that Ghee seems to be a lot better than straight butter. Probably the reason it is used so much in Indian food preparation.


Fat/Oil Smoke Point (C)
Flaxseed oil 107 C
Butter 140 C
Coconut oil (extra virgin) 177 C
Sesame oil (unrefined) 177 C
Vegetable shortening 182 C
Lard 188 C
Olive oil (extra virgin) 191 C
Grapeseed oil 195 C
Olive oil (virgin) 199 C
Canola oil (refined) 204 C
Vegetable oil 205 C
Margarine 210 C
Corn oil 227 C
Sunflower oil 230 C
Coconut oil (refined) 232 C
Peanut oil 232 C
Soybean oil (refined) 238 C
Ghee (Clarified Butter) 250 C
Avocado oil 271 C


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