Home made foie gras

Home made foie gras

Made some foie gras from a fresh duck liver. The recipe is very simple.

1- Leave raw foie gras in milk overnight in fridge.

2- Take out of fridge, let it rest 30 minutes then separate the lobes and remove the veins. There is a big lobe and a small one, the veins travel differently in each. Simply use fingers or small knife. This is an important part, a thorough job here will make a very smooth foie gras at the end.

3- Put all the foie bits in a terrine and poor a couple of table spoons of Ports and a couple of table spoons of Armagnac. Sprinkle a few spoons of spices as you like. (I like 5 spices and pepper). You can put salt now but would recommend salt on the finished product rather than in the cooking. Back in fridge for the liquids to get absorbed in the liver.

4- Cook in the terrine in the oven at 160 degrees celsius, “au bain marie” ( poor boiling water around the terrine in a bigger container). I cook with the terrine “open”, so I can see what is going on and check the temperature of the foie. I usually wait for the foie to get to at least 55 to 60 degrees celsius. This might take 20/30 minutes ()?

5- Take the terrine out and let cool down. You can press the foie slightly so that the meat is all at the bottom and the fat comes to the top. For this you can use a small piece of wood of the appropriate size wrapped in cling film and let it rest on top of the terrine with a small weight on top.

5- When cooled, put in fridge overnight. The fat will go solid on top and provide a “air-tight” protection for the foie gras.

6- Eat the foie gras on a toast of bread with a bit of salt and a sweet wine.

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