Marrons Glaces – Candied Chestnuts

I am in the process of making some candied chestnuts for Christmas gifts.

Marrons Glaces!

It is super easy once you can source cleaned-up chestnuts. The best I have found are from Costco in bags of 500g from the brand Galil.




How to Make :

  • Put 300g of Sugar in 300g of water in a saucepan and let boil.
  • Put the 500g of Chestnuts into the syrup and let warm up until it boils for a few minutes.
  • Let it rest until the following day in the pan.
  • After 24 hours, re-boil for a few minutes. Let it rest.
  • After another 24 hours, re-boil for a few minutes. Let it rest.
  • Finally, carefully remove all the chestnuts from the syrup and lay them on a silicone sheet.
  • Put into the oven at 70 degrees celsius for an hour or so or until the chestnuts are all “dry”. This is the very tricky part. You do not want the marrons to go to hard. So keep this as short as possible.
  • Put them into conserves and make gifts of them…
  • Optional: Roll them into icing sugar. I use granular sugar, which I blitz with the coffer grinder.




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