Chili con carne

I made a large quantity of Chili con carne so that Noe could have some to return to University in Bristol…

It is very easy to make.

Slow cook in the oven to let all the spices and flavours spread through the dish.

Definitely a comfort dish.





Ingredients (this is for a large quantity and can be halved if you do not want to eat some the whole of the following week…):

  • 750g of Minced Beef
  • 2 cans of chopped tomatoes
  • 2 cans of red kidney beans
  • 2 onions
  • 4 carrots
  • 1 celery stalk
  • 2 or 3 garlic
  • A sachet of ready mix spices (why make it complicated? )

How to make:

  • I use my Le Creuset cast iron casserole for this
  • Brown the meat in batches if necessary
  • Chop carrots, Celeri and onions.
  • Depending on how much fat has been rendered from the meat, discard or keep some for roasting the vegetables.
  • Start with carrots and celery; add the garlic after a few minutes.
  • As the vegetables are cooking, they will lift the “suc” from the bottom of the casserole.
  • Put the meat back into the casserole and add the spice mix.
  • Mix well and add a bit of water to prevent the whole mixture from sticking to the bottom of the casserole.
  • Put the whole casserole in the oven at 120 degrees for 5 hours….or until dinner…

Serve with sour cream and some cheese on top. Chargrill the cheese with a blow torch and add a few jalapenos. Very nice with a fresh beer.


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