Recette Boules de Berlin – Tante Helene

The perfect recipe to lift the spirit when on the 23rd of March it is snowing in the UK…!!

Ingredients : (Makes about 20 boules)

500g Flour
120g Melted Butter
50g Sugar
1 tea spoon Salt
50g of “Levure Fraiche” diluted in 250ml of cold Milk
4 egg yolks and 1 full egg.

Recipe :

Mix all ingredients together using the Kenwood.
Adjust the flour if required to obtain a dough ball slighty wet.
Leave ball of pastry in a bowl in a warm away from drafts. (oven)
Leave to rise for 1 hour

“Abaisser” with a rolling pin to 3/4 cm thick.
Cut Pastry in circles with a glass
Roll into balls with hands. Do not crush the balls.
Leave balls on a floured tray
Let rise again for 30 minutes / 40 minutes
Cook in a deep fat fryer at 160 degres (4 at a time)
The balls will cook on one side and then turn on their own (or you might want to help a little bit) once that side is cooked.
Take out once they are cooked on both sides
put on absorbing paper to cool down
Fill the balls with “creme patissiere”  (or use this ready made mix Imperial) or Home made Blueberry Jelly (! special ! recipe to follow) and sprinkle with icing sugar

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