Staying at my Parents

I am on holiday !!. Spending sometime quality time with my parents in Lyon. Obviously I took a few of my toys to play with, in particular my Replicator 2X from Makerbot. I made a few repairs for my parents. A few plastic parts that were either broken or needed replacement.

In particular the Parasol for the swimming pool to provide some shade, I repaired the cable for the operation of the sun shade and created a small plastic ball to provide the neat ending of the cable. Also, the letterbox needed a new locking mechanism, simple but effective. Finally the “piece de resistance” was the upgrade for the sun shade in the front of the house, I am now down to 6 versions of the model and printing “only” takes 95 minutes…I have printed blue, red and “natural” abs. I think I have reached the final version now….well I hope so….

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