Pommes Dauphines

This is a deep-fried potato choux, a classic Xmas special for the Dehon’s!

It is a mix of the standard Choux Pastry with a puree of potatoes.

[Initially posted in 12th Oct. 2013 !]





Ingredients :

250g of Potato

250g of Choux Pastry

Salt & Pepper. Nutmeg.

for the Choux Pastry :

250g of water, 140g of flour, 115g of unsalted butter

Pinch of Salt, Pinch of Sugar.

4 or 5 whole eggs.

Put the water, sugar, salt, butter in a pan and bring to boil. Take off the boil straight away. Pour all the flour in the pan, mix well with a silicone spatula, you must obtain a pastry that does not stick to the pan. Put back on the heat for 1 minute or 1&1/2 minute. This is to dry the pastry, it is important for the recipe. Take off the heat,  put one egg at a time and mix well to obtain an elastic and shinny pastry. You can use this for Choux Pastries, desserts, very nice with cream, etc…

If you are making the Pommes Dauphines, simply cook the peeled potatoes in water for 15/20 minutes. Then mash and put on the heat for a few minutes to dry the potatoes. Add the nutmeg and Salt, Pepper or Cayenne Pepper for a bit of a kick.

Then mix with the Choux Pastry.

Make some small quenelles with 2 teaspoons and deep fry in oil at 175/180 degrees C. Maybe 10 at a time. If the pastry is a bit rough in the oil it is ok, it makes them a bit more crispy. Cook for about 3-5 minutes. Shake oil and put on paper towels. season with salt and serve immediately. You can also use one of those “squeeze” things to make smaller pastries which are also very nice.


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