Quadcopter Batteries

IMG_2876With the Quadcopter, it is really important to make sure that the batteries you are using are properly charged. This is because the voltage of the Lithium Polymer batteries drops very quickly at the back-end of their life. As such, you can be caught by surprise with your Quad away from you, running out of juice and no opportunity to come back to home base. Losing the quad and the video camera is an expensive problem.

So keeping track of which battery is charged and which is empty when they all look the same, is not as straight forward as one might think.

I wanted to be able to sor tof flick a switch that would remind me if the battery is charged or empty.

I designed a simple 3D printed tracker, which you can simply flick up or down. When you put the “F” towards a side of the frame it means the battery is full. The opposite is either empty of partially used.

I simply super glued the parts on the side of the battery.

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