Aubergine Farcie

IMG_2877Here is another classic in the family. Always a winner with the kids, really nice with some french fries or a green salad.

On the lower grill, the “extra” for a small meat loaf.



Ingredients :

  • 500g Pork Mince
  • 500g of veal Mince or 500g of turkey mince
  • 2 spring oignons / 3 garlic clove / parsley
  • 2 chicken cubes
  • 1 slice of dried bread dipped into milk
  • 3 slice of ham or pancetta or lardons
  • 1 full egg and 1 yoke
  • Nutmeg, Salt, Pepper, Curly parsley
  • 4 Large Aubergines

How to Make :

Slice the aubergines in half and scoop out the inside with a spoon. Be careful not to destroy the skin of the aubergine to avoid them to “leak” during cooking. Keep them aside to make the container for the oven cooking. Cook the flesh of the aubergine in a frying pan with a generous drip of olive oil, salt pepper to taste. The more you cook at this point the more you can give a chargrilled taste to the finished product. Don’t over do it !

Cut roughly the oignons, ham and bread. Crush the garlic. Put everything in a large bowl and mix together with the salt, pepper and chicken cubes which you have dissolved into a small quantity of boiled water. Put the eggs as well with the parsley. Mix well. Add the aubergine flesh at the last minute to that it has a bit of time to cool down.

Don’t forget the nutmeg, it gives a nice taste and goes well with the aubergine flesh.

Now put the meat “farce” into the aubergines halves which you have layed in a oven proof dish.

Cook at 160 degres for approx 45 minutes. Check the colour on the backend of the cooking. Ideally you want to baste the meat as it cooks. It will be more moist and juicy. It is also possible to simply forget about it for 30 minutes and check later…

I like this dish with french fries but it goes well with some salad or pasta.

I you have too much meat mixture, you can cook the “extra”  separately in a small cake dish or “terrine” to make a simple meat loaf. This can be eaten cold or hot over the following days…

Enjoy !

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