Cardamom plant

imageI purchased some cardamom plant a few months ago and have managed to keep it alive. It is doing well although some of the leaves are yellowing. It might be because I left the plant outside too long into the very wet season. It is now in my garage for the winter. Initially, I had it straight under the hydroponic lights but it did not like that and now I have moved it a bit away from the light so that it is a bit protected from the power of the metal halide lamps.

I couple of months ago, I also split the main plant into 6 other plants. I have re-planted the little shoots into small pots but also put a couple of plants outside in a raised bed. I would like to see if the plants are better outside for the winter or within the garage under fluorescent lighting. (And the warmth of the propagator )

As I was doing some research on optimum lighting and heat setting etc…I realised that cardamom is actually a very valuable plant and the spices that it can produce are very expensive per weight. I have not had any pods yet, so will probably have to wait until next year for it. (Update : It actually takes 3 years before the plant will produce its first flowers and therefore pods. A bit more to wait then)

I recently donated a plant to my brother…a further proof that we are getting older and possibly wiser…?

Also need to start a cumin plant from seeds. Not sure if I can use the ones in my spice rack…must try.

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