IMG_3643When I look at this magazine, it reminds me of the days I used to play with my TRS-80 from Tandy…

You must visit this page if you want to get a bit nostalgic and code for a few minutes in BASIC !

Start with 2 Returns to the initial question marks ?

Then start coding !

If you can’t remember how to do it, read the manual

trs80-iThe Raspberry foundation is doing some extraordinary work to bring computing and coding back into the mainstream and drive kids to like to code.

This $5 computer (yes $5 not $50 or $500), is simply a fantastic way to bring computing to everybody.

With the issue 40 of the MagPi magazine, the small computer is attached to the front page and comes for free…This is a £5.99 magazine !

The magazine itself is also a great example of a great teaching tool. You can follow page by page some examples of code etc… just perfect.

Did I say that the magazine can be downloaded for FREE from the foundation website. Essentially, if you can’t afford to buy the magazine (a kid with little pocket money), then you can still get the great content, if you can afford it, you buy the magazine and help teachers and educators to get the right training and equipment.

Needless to say, I subscribed.


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