Cramique Belge

cramique-2Got this recipe from the net…

Another mucky Sunday and could do with moral lifting food…

I used to eat this at my grand’ mother place.




  • 500g of flour
  • dry yeast (enough for the flour quantity probably 1 tablespoon)
  • 1/4 l of warm milk -250ml – 250g
  • 150 gr of dried raisins (put in warm water if they are too dry)
  • 100 gr of soft butter
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar – 15g
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt – 2.5g
  • 2 eggs
  • some butter to put in the cooking tin

How to prepare :

  • Put the raisins in some warm water to soften them. (not necessary if the raisins are already juicy)
  • Mix the yeast with a 10cl of warm milk. Wait for it to “start working”. Mixing yeast into milk takes patience…
  • Put the flour, yeast, sugar, milk in the Kenwood and mix.
  • Add the butter pieces by pieces and the salt.
  • Then add slowly the 2 beaten eggs but keep a little to put on the top of the cramique for cooking (gives a nice golden look). The dough should be elastic and soft.
  • Add finally the raisins.
  • The mixing is a bit tricky, you want to add the bits slowly enough so that the dough stays elastic and the butter gets incorporated into the dough.
  • When the dough is done, put the mixture in a bread tin. Let it rise another 30 to 45 min. The dough should double in size.
  • Cover the top with the remainder of eggs, just before putting into the oven.
  • Pre-heat the oven at 220 degrees. Cook the bread for 15 minutes at this temperature then drop the temperature to 200 degrees and cook for another 45 minutes.

I am writing this post as I am making the dough and finding issues with the original recipe…updating as I go along. A bit like live blogging…

Because it is a brioche type of bread, it is normal for the dough to be very soft and a bit of a mess because of the softened butter. This is normal. Keep mixing with the Kenwood until you get a “dough”. This is probably a very difficult recipe to make just with your hands.

Well, first try was not great…:(

The bread was way too compact and did not have brioche type of texture…very disappointed, but Nicolas is trying a different recipe using his “Thermomix”…he will share the recipe if it is any good!

Need a bit more patience for this one… (check the bread-making top tip post to improve on this original post, also the mascarpone brioche which might be a better base for this bread)

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