Beef Casserole

casserole7With the recent turn of the weather to a very Wintery style…and the office in full Glacial mode…I am finding the weekend a great place to try comfort food…this one is a great simple slow cook dish.

I use my Le Creuset dutch oven and cook at 150 degres for 3 hours…simply perfect.




Ingredients :

  • Slow cook beef, Tesco has a pre-diced meat which is nice.
  • Salt and Pepper, olive oil, butter, spices such as piment doux, nutmeg
  • Celery, Carrots, a tin of chopped tomatoes, Paris white mushrooms
  • Shallots and Garlic, chopped.
  • A small glass of wine, I use Cote de Rhone
  • Vegetable cube diluted in hot water

How to Prepare :

  • First bring the olive oil to temperature in the Dutch oven on a strong flame
  • Put the spices in the oil, mix a little to spread the spices
  • Put the meat in the pan and seal it well. Let it turn a slight caramel colour.
  • Take the meat out of the pan, reduce the heat and put the shallots and garlic
  • Stir the shallots and garlic to get all the juices off the sides and the bottom of the pan
  • Put the carrots, the celery and keep stirring. This should coat the vegetables with the juices and spices.
  • Check the seasoning and adjust to your taste. I like to add the nutmeg at this point.
  • Throw the glass of wine in the pan and stir again.
  • Bring the meat back and finally the mushroom. Stir…
  • Cover with the vegetable broth until the meat is covered but not so much that it is all in a soup. Probably just a finger under the top of the vegetables.
  • Put into a pre-heated oven at 150 degres celsius (fan assisted), live it there for 3 hours.
  • Check once in a while to make sure that there is enough sauce and nothing is overcooked.

I like to eat this dish with Charlotte potatoes that I have pre-boiled for 15 minutes, then placed a large oven proof dish, I sprinkle salt, pepper, herbs and olive oil and let brown in a hot oven at 220 degres celsius. This will make them nice and crispy outside and soft inside.

Enjoy !

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