Flex-box with Laser

flex_box1I have been wanting to make a “live-hinge” for months, with the visit of Nicolas and Pascale, we used the opportunity to do a full project together from scratch.

The girls went shopping whereas Nicolas and I played in the garage with the Laser cutter.

We designed the basic shape on autodesk inventor but then had to move Adobe Illustrator (Creative Cloud version) to create the live hinge. The most time consuming part of this project was to create the hinge in adobe illustrator as we are no Graphic Designers….still we got it done. We had to do a couple of versions of the top part, to get to the correct length to properly close. The hinge is amazingly solid and flexible. I used the best wood quality I had to ensure we had a multi-ply wood.

To finish the box, I sanded with 500 grit with the Festool sander.


We also added some sort of locking mechanism, to prevent the spring of the live-hinge to open the box on it own.

I am very pleased with our first go !




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