2019 New Start ! – 9

Only a few workdays to go before I get released from my duties at the office….

I feel relieved from the inappropriate pressures but still sad for all the people I leave behind.



I need to grow, learn, be inspired and feel loved, all of which I have felt for the last 25 years but not today.

Number of days left :







Did you know you can quickly calculate the 9 table ?

Let’s say you want to find out what is 7 X 9 ?

Simply take the 7 take 1 off it => 6

Then think what would be the complementary number to this 6 that would make it go to 9…that’s 3. Because 6 and 3 make 9.

So the result is 63 !

2 x 9 = 1…..8…..18

3 x 9 = 2….7…..27

4 x9 = 3…..6….36

Easy calculus…

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