4 Days to go !

Only 4 days to go…

Saw this in the back of the European Headquarters’ building in Uxbridge , made me laugh…

We have not been “Rank Xerox” since  1997…

I never joined the club…maybe I missed on something special !

Can’t wait to spend some time on “me” and start to “grow” again…

As I organise my leaving party, I am amazed by the number of Xerox people who want to join me for a celebration drink and a bit of fun.


Happy New Year ! 



Anything Special about 4 ?

Four is the only number in English that is equal to the number of letters in its name.

Four on a calculator uses 4 LCD segments

The ancient Greeks associated the number four with earthly balance, believing that everything was made of four elements: earth, air, fire and water.

Pythagoras maintained that the soul of man consists of a tetrad, the four powers of the soul being mind, science, opinion, and sense. 

I usually calculate the X4 by simply doing X2 twice…

While trying to convert the Irish into Christians, St. Patrick used the shamrock to explain the holy trinity with each leaf representing the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. So when a Shamrock has a fourth leave, it brings “luck” to the party.

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