Tax return time….or is it ?

Getting to this time of year when I struggle to get myself fired up and seems that days go too fast without very much done…





We had a fun snow day today, nothing like what we used to get in the USA but something special for London and was just fun to go out in the falling snow.


When I think of how much I used to get done in a day! Soon to be 2 years.

Got to do my tax return….should be simple…but never really…

Also, this time of year his loaded with emotional things like the anniversary of the passing of good friends, Darren Hooker, Paul foster, James Marshall. As usual, I made sure I would go to see them at the CAT and have a drink for their souls to rest in peace and give me a bit of kick in the backside. Remind me how lucky I am.

Darren was the most forceful, as usual, he reminded me to just get on with it! Because of COVID the CAT was closed obviously, so I sat on a wall along the canal close to my old office. (What a dump it has become now…). Andrew called and we had a good cheer for our departed friends.

It was a long ride to get there but I was rewarded with sunshine all the way back home.

There are more anniversaries coming for recent losses in the family, Phillipe, Guy…I am going to make some plans because I know it will be another beautiful day of sunshine.



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