Brain Teaser ! – April fool

I have not researched yet how this works but I find it fun….and perfect for an April’s fool day….



Pick in your mind one of the following 2 words.



Green Needle

then push the play button below. It will play a short sound clip, listen attentively. You will only hear the word that you have picked. Try it many times. Try it with friends or family. It works almost 100% of the time. I think it works because our brain is specialised in recognizing patterns. You expect to hear something and as soon as you hear the slightest matching pattern or sound that matches your expectation,  then your brain fills the rest and ignores the actual true data. So you truly believe that you have heard a specific word when actually it was just a sound that initially matches the pattern you are thinking about.

Now for more weirdness…if you do this too many times in a row…then your brain is going to “learn” one or the other. It will become a pattern of a pattern and as such you will only hear the particular one that your brain is always associating to the sound pattern.

I love this kind of stuff. Magicians have been using this kind of trick for centuries. More recently there have been a few comics spending time swapping words in the lyrics of well-known songs. Go and check it out it is very funny. Again it is simply tricking the amazing pattern recognition machine that is your brain.

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