Hollandaise Sauce – Egg Benedict

Want to make some egg benedict’s so need to learn to do the Hollandaise properly! I will use the Kenwood chef to see if can make the sauce quickly.






  • 125g Melted Butter
  • 1 Tablespoon of Lime or Lemon juice.
  • 2 egg yokes (or 3 for a thicker sauce)
  • Salt and Pepper to taste

How to make :

  • Put the egg yokes in a double boiler or warm them in the Kenwood at 65 degrees celsius. Fluff them up with the Lemon juice so they go a little pale in colour. This is an important step. The eggs need to be “whiter” and the sauce does stick to the whisk already.
  • Melt all the butter in a separate pan making sure it does not go brown. Do it slowly.
  • Add the butter to the egg yokes in small quantities like you would make mayonnaise.
  • Keep stirring until all the butter is mixed and you have a silky sauce.
  • Make sure you do not heat-up the sauce too much as it will curd if it is too hot. Mix constantly. If you need to “recover” a split hollandaise you add a little bit of water (1 or 2 tablespoons) and mix it to get the sauce back.
  • Hollandaise sauce is not easy to master, if you get the creamy sauce as expected, take it off the heat to make sure it does not curd.

Can keep the sauce in a thermos for a couple of hours or keep on low heat (60 to 65 degrees Celsius). It is also possible to “flavour” the sauce by cooking separately some shallots for example and collecting the butter through a sieve, adding this flavoured butter to the rest of the butter.

Serve with a nice toast of bread and some poached eggs.

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