Trouble with 3D Printer

I have been frustrated at trying to get my 3D printer to work as it is supposed to.

Recently upgraded the various firmwares inside the machine to latest versions and doing some test prints of test cubes. Have been finding many small glitches in the various bits of software and it is driving me CRAZY !!!!.

The workflow for 3D printing is still VERY far from mainstream Grandma printing her earing aid to watch Murray win Wimbledon….

Not sure which one will make it first actually.

I am only trying to replicate a “wooden” spool to help a friend of Manu.

This friend makes customized spools with pictures etc…Her manufacturing process require plaster and building molds. She uses a wooden Spool but it deforms during the manufacturing process because of humidity etc.. She is therefore looking for a plastic spool. I offered to try to print one with my 3D Printer.

I created a spool in Openscad, then tried to print. However because of the overhang, it is better printed in 2 parts that assemble back to back.

I am now in Version 5 of the Openscad design and seem to be going backwards versus the very first version I printed. Trying to add to many detailed features created actually a more complicated shape which fails to print right.


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