Making a Table for my Plancha

During my last trip to France, I bought a ENO Plancha.

I did not buy the table/stand that goes with it because it would not fit in my car.

Because I live in the UK, there is no store selling Planchas and certainly no store selling plancha tables…

I decided to build one myself. I did browse for many different type on the web and then decided to build my own design. Below is the work in progress.

I has a few LEDs to provide minimal lighting outside.

During the design phase, I used openscad to test how to build the frame etc. I wanted to hide the gas bottle, have a drawer, have some lighting and have look of something robust, built to last.

I really struggled to find any good supplier of hardwood locally (Central London). I then found some wooden flooring OAK plank, which I thought I could hack into simple planks. I had to convert all the wooden floor plank to the correct width using a small jig on my festool table. Then  I started building, freestyle as my brother wood say… I also added a few caster wheels to make it easier to move around. Given that the whole structure will be entirely made of oak wood.

It is getting closed to the day when I will be using it, that is if the weather gets better and rain stops falling.



Well almost finished now. It is now out of the garage and is ready for “finishing” with oils or varnish, not sure yet what I am going to do. Gas bottle fits neatly in the back and the cover fits as well…pfeew!…

I used laser cut small pieces of plywood to create spacers for the various planks and ensure that they would all look nicely spaced. you can see a couple in the picture here to the right side of the bottom.

Next on the list :

I might fit a proper plug to be able to bring a portable induction plate to put next to it and then I will have a full cooking Zone in the garden…

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