Candied Orange & Grapefruit Peels

IMG_1674Ingreditents :
2 Grapefruits
2 Oranges
750g of granulated sugar
400ml of water

How to Make :
Wash the fruits first
Peel the fruits in 4 big peel pieces
Cut the peels in 5mm wide pieces
Put in a large pan with lots of water.
Start from cold (important) and then boil for 30mins.
This will take the bitter out of the peels and cook.

Put in an another pan all the sugar with 400ml of water.
Disolve fully the sugar and bring to boil. once boiling remove from heat.

Drain the peels in a colander and put into the sugar syrup.

Bring back to a boil and cook for about one hour, uncovered so that the water evaporates. Watch the cooking especially at the end when all the water “goes” and you are left with the peel that have been candied.

Work quickly before everything goes “solid”. Lay the peels on non-stick paper and let them cool down.

Once cooled, you can dip them in chocolate to make “belgian orangettes” or simply pour sugar on them to make them crystals. Or simply leave like this and eat away….

I also “recover” some of the left over sugar in the pan and crush it quickly before it goes too hard. Then I keep to put in coffee and other hot drinks that will benefit from a “orange” taste sugar…hoo  hoo special !

Definitely a Christmas favorite.

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