Ingreditents :
Chilis (all colors – medium size 6 to 10) / 2 bits of Garlic
Green Lime / half piece of Ginger
Jam Sugar
1 or 2 Tablespoons of Rice vinegar
A little bit of butter
How to Make :
Cut the chills in small pieces, make the Lime Zest, crush the garlic
Put everything in a pan with a little bit of butter, let cook for 15 minutes.
Add a bit of Rice vinegar to your taste.
Add the jam sugar and let cook for an other 10 minutes or so, until the “jam takes”.
You can test if the jam is setting by taking a cold spoon and checking the consistency.
I like mine a bit runny so that you can also use as a dip for some dishes.
If the Chilis have been grown in a sunny place, they will be stronger.