Strawberry Crisps

IMG_1665Ingredients :
Strawberries (…)

How to Make:
Cut thinly all the strawberries
Lay all the slides on a SILICONE sheet. (other non stick stuff will not work)
Put in the oven at 75 degree Celsius. (70 to 80 max)
Leave for several hours depending on how big your slices are and how crispy you want the crisps to be at the end.

You can mix with other fruits or use this recipe for apples, bananas, etc…
when making apples I like to sprinkle a little bit of icing sugar on them half way through the drying process. Fruit will always have a bit more tangy taste which is nice.

This is a great way to keep fruits from getting damaged if you have too many and can’t eat them. It is also a great way to have something to decorate an ice cream or a cake. It is all very healthy and simple.

I also use this technique to make dried Chilis, I then put them in a grinder with Salt to season meat and fish. This seasoning mix will last forever.


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