Category Archives: Coding

Black Lives matter

As I was playing with the coding of some generative art things on my computer, I was influenced to make a design which connected with the overall sentiment of revolt and rage following the protests of Black Lives Matter. This … Continue reading

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New Project

Need a new project….thinking of doing something like this…It is a small stainless steel ball which appears to roll magically over sand and leaving nice patterns in the sand like to some Japanese Zen garden techniques. It is like a … Continue reading

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Absolutely Love this – Boston Dynamics

When I saw the first digital camera from Canon, I thought it was the future and wanted one immediately. It was clunky, saving files on a micro floppy disk at resolutions that were sub-par, etc….but I knew it would one … Continue reading

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Solar Tracker

A simple Raspberry Pi tracker for Solar and Tesla Battery Here.  

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Tesla Powerwall and Octopus Energy pricing

Trying to do a bit of coding to optimise the use of electric prices changing every 30 minutes. Red line in the graphic is “average price” and clearly you could charge the battery at cheap rates overnight or during non-peak … Continue reading

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Back to origins…

A few years ago, I started playing with Processing as a language. Recently discovered that the language has evolved and more importantly you can now run sketches from anywhere on the Cloud/web. Magic…

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Fusion 360 Tutorial

Made some video tutorials to teach how to use the Fusion360 software for my friends. Here !    

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Tesla Coding and Iphone App

Jules and I are making an Iphone App for my Tesla…we hope to be millionaires soon… The best part is probably just the fun of playing together.         A short Video :  

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Weekend Mind Cleansing

Just a few things done during the weekend to clear my mind … Quick pint with the kids, trash talk, laughs, (the best). Longboarding in the sun (second best, especially with the right Playlist) Raspberry pi Programming, painful on my old brain … Continue reading

Posted in CNC & 3D Printing, Coding, Home Life, Laser | Leave a comment


Made a complete project with my XCarve. It all started with a friend who was trying to repair a second-hand child bicycle trainer. The handlebar was broken and glue was never going to work. The part is not very complicated but … Continue reading

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Making a Stool with X-Carve

My first true design of something for the Xcarve. There has been a few mistakes along the way and still have not managed to get a final product from the machine yet… I am close. The router bits, feeds and speeds … Continue reading

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Weekend activities busy bee

Well weekend was full of varied activities of all sorts, including fireworks and trying to repair front door of the house ! Manu used the kenwood blender to make some very nice almond butter. Essentially take fresh almonds, roast them … Continue reading

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I joined the revolution

I bought a Farmbot !…yes I am an early adopter of emerging technologies…this one has a lot of things that I like, it is open source hardware and software, it uses Raspberry Pi and Arduino, it is a Robot, it … Continue reading

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The Singularity is Near

Well maybe not…

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CNC Router

It was a long time coming. I purchased this baby from the USA in the early spring ! I probably was one of the first few coming out of the Inventables team. It took me a while to build it … Continue reading

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Link to Secret Page

Jules and I have created a small webpage to scramble or de-scramble messages that we can send each other by email. The code is simple, and easily found in the source of the page itself. It was just for fun … Continue reading

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Logging Data to a Cloud Server

I am trying to use my Arduino UNO to log some data points for some experiments that I want to do. (A few ideas : tracking the temperature in my Koi pond outside or tracking the speed at which the … Continue reading

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Flying robots at TED

I just love this….  

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3d printing workshop in London …Tinkercad & I-materialise.

I went to the London 2012 3D Print show this weekend, mind blowing stuff, with very nice atmosphere and a lot of open minded people. Although there is a lot of unjustified hype about the technology it will certainly change … Continue reading

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I am a 3d printed frog…

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