Logging Data to a Cloud Server

IMG_2889I am trying to use my Arduino UNO to log some data points for some experiments that I want to do. (A few ideas : tracking the temperature in my Koi pond outside or tracking the speed at which the house warms-up in the morning, logging my electricity consumption, etc…)


The Arduino is connected to my WIFI in the house. It is battery powered so you can capture data anywhere.

It reads the values on the measurement PINS then sends this data through the network to an Amazon Database.

I then have a webpage on this site that Queries the data in the Amazon Database and display the results…

It is still work in progress big time….the main problem I am facing is the fact that I am always running out of memory space with the arduino. I have now purchased another arduino mega to try to complete this project.

So with the Arduino Mega, all the software works fine. I have had to learn how to change the HTML file for the graphic and spend a couple of hours working out the download of data from my Arduino to the Amazon servers. As usual, the smallest typo and you are spending hours trying to understand what is not working.

I am currently running my first “real” experiment. Number 7 ! This is logging the temperature of the pipework coming out of the boiler for the house. It is logging every 5 minutes to the Amazon Servers. I am travelling to the US tomorrow, so might leave it running for the next few days and see what happens….

It might be interesting to log data quicker as well to see how fast the boiler is capable of getting the water to high temperatures. I will probably run a different “experiment” for that.

I expect that the Wifi connection will probably break at some point or that the servers will reject my login. Anyway, it is still worth a go, I have been trying to do something like this for months !

Access Here.

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