Category Archives: Home Life

Hacking about the TFL API – Traffic

The internet is amazing. I wanted to build a web page with access to the local Video surveillance cameras around key places of my interest for when I want to drive to central London or to my new office in … Continue reading

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One dimension Pong…

When everybody seems to be moving from 2D to 3D to VR….we are taking it back to 1D ! Great fun building a ONE dimension game with Jules at the coding helm! It is still early days but already fun. … Continue reading

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Glass Pharms – early days

I have done so much work for free and as of today, it is still the worse investment I have ever made…but I am still proud of the achievement. This could be a study case on motivation, incentives and decision … Continue reading

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Xmas 2021

Been cursing the bloody Virus again. Was looking forward to a nice family get together for this Christmas and it all fell apart. The new Omicron variant is raging through London and soon will be everywhere in Europe etc…it is … Continue reading

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Hollandaise Sauce – Egg Benedict

Want to make some egg benedict’s so need to learn to do the Hollandaise properly! I will use the Kenwood chef to see if can make the sauce quickly.         Ingredients: 125g Melted Butter 1 Tablespoon of … Continue reading

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Simple but effective Madeleines

A typical Sunday must have….super easy to make and perfect to boost the early winter morale. The only problem is that you need a special tray to cook them!         Ingredients: 100g Melted Butter 100g Flour 100g … Continue reading

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Cooking Eggs time

                  It is better to cook eggs straight from the fridge into boiling water, this makes it easier to peel the eggs. If you want the ultimate cooking method, put a little … Continue reading

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Smoke point for Oils

Been wanting to keep a reminder of the various cooking Oils smoke point. This is the point at which the oil simply burns and is not fit for cooking anymore. Often people would say that Olive Oil is not a … Continue reading

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RIP Graham!

As I use my blog as a life diary, I feel it is appropriate to remember the person that recruited me at Xerox in 1993. Graham is one of the few people that had a profound impact on my life … Continue reading

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Dinner for friends ! – Tiger prawns

I love the way people keep their recipes. Some will have a drawer full of magazine extracts, others will have old notepads with scribbles from their grandmother, some will only use recipes from Michelin star chefs, others will browse the … Continue reading

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Been a long time – Summer Holidays

                  Had 3 weeks of holidays in the south of France…feeling disconnected but happy.

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Never too late !

                    I am over 50 and I never ever played proper golf …..ever! I never wanted to play, because of the snob and self-centred idiots I occasionally had to meet in … Continue reading

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Message Board

I made an electronic message board using Raspberry Pi and RGB-Pixel boards. Something similar to my virus simulator but with a horizontal layout. I can display various information messages a bit like an airport arrival board or a share price … Continue reading

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Pizza !

Just bought an OONI Pizza oven for Jules birthday party! So getting the recipes to make the best dough and sauces…         For the dough, the quantities are a bit “odd” probably because of some Imperial to … Continue reading

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Making Some Beer with my little boy…

Jules is soon going to be 20 years old. He just finished his exams for his second year at University. He has been very disciplined all year to make sure he would not fall behind in his work. He has … Continue reading

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Gas left in Bottle

Made this super simple calculator, to find out how much gas is left in the BBQ Gas bottles….not that the weather has been any good this year so far… Almost end of May and very little sunshine, lots of rain… … Continue reading

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More Generative Art – Spinning

More computer coding … this one is trying to illustrate how some little details can change things dramatically between calm and chaos. I started coding this following a conversation with Noe about trigonometric maths and his revisions for an exam. … Continue reading

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Brain Teaser ! – April fool

I have not researched yet how this works but I find it fun….and perfect for an April’s fool day….     Pick in your mind one of the following 2 words. Brainstorm or Green Needle then push the play button … Continue reading

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Proud Dad

I could not be more proud of my son, who just participated in a Hackathon at Imperial University where he is studying Computer Science. I love generative art as a way of using technical skills and mathematics for the … Continue reading

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Pi Day ! 3.14 and what ?

Was Pi day today! 14th of March or 3-14 in USA style date. It is a constant and an irrational number (its decimals goes on forever) and is defined as the number you get when you divide the circumference of … Continue reading

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