Monthly Archives: March 2023

Using the CNC Mill

At last, I have used my old Sherline Mill with the new Masso controller. This is part of a general upgrade of my tools in my workshop. I started the upgrade process by replacing the old CO2 laser with a … Continue reading

Posted in CNC & 3D Printing, Coding, Electronics | Leave a comment

Artificial intelligence

The following drawings/pictures have all been created by an artificial intelligence software called midjourney. You provide a TEXT entry and the computer creates the image. For example here is what I used: A skier in the powder A heart with … Continue reading

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Spring is on its way

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I am making some Limoncello after our ski trip at Anne and Louis-Carl in Montgenevre, close to Turin. Anne had made some very nice Limoncello and I asked for the recipe, which she kindly shared. The recipe is very easy, … Continue reading

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Getting frustrated

58 minutes to do 6.5 miles in central London…this commute is doing my head in…  

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Oli’s Duck Rillettes

I made some Duck rillettes! Another recipe that is very easy to do but requires a little bit of time. I am keen on learning recipes of the past, which have now become for most people something that you can … Continue reading

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Xerox 6085

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Some old stuff

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Tarte Tatin – Oli simple way

A very simple apple tart which is always a success. There are a few complicated ways of making a “tarte tatin”. The following simple method makes a very decent tart… It is possible to upgrade this one with homemade caramel … Continue reading

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Mussels – Upgrading the Tesco version

I pan fry with a small amount of butter a few carrots, some garlic, a couple of celery stalks and a bit of pepper. (The fancy ones from the larder, like the Madagascar pepper – VOATSIPERIFERY PEPPER) Add the mussels … Continue reading

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Walnut Oil

Decided to make some walnut oil with all the walnuts from my uncle in Belgium. I toasted them in a pan and then put them in sunflower oil. I will leave it all to infuse for a few weeks. I … Continue reading

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Sign Glass Pharms

I upgraded the office sign for the office and included some space to put the doorbell… Using my recently upgraded laser. New 60w CO2 laser with upgraded software. Now running Lighburn and capable of reading the Adobe Illustrator files I … Continue reading

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Wise words from Gad’s mum

It is not because you have much that you do not deserve to receive and it is not because you do not have much that you cannot give.

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Chili con carne

I made a large quantity of Chili con carne so that Noe could have some to return to University in Bristol… It is very easy to make. Slow cook in the oven to let all the spices and flavours spread … Continue reading

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  It sounds like a secret code from a James Bond movie…. A small project to learn how to build a multi-colour capable led light. I am learning new skills with Bluetooth Low energy As well as some electronics and … Continue reading

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