Pickled Shallots

Again a good old family traditional.

Shallots / Spring Onions

A few cloves / Ground Ginger / Pickling Spices

Malt Vinegar.

Very nice with “Hate Levee”, to be done next week sometime once the shallots have pickled a bit more.

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Fruit liqueurs for March…


Fruit liqueurs for March...I said I would do it, so I did.

My Grand Dad recipe for fruit liqueur.

Recipe is on the box, just need to wait 30 days now…

Our elders did not teach us to flap our wings but to fly wherever we want to go.


[Update 15 March 2012]

Now time for the next step. I squashed the fruits using a sieve, trying to keep most of the juices, most of the fruit juices had already come out and the fruits were just finer and pulp. Then I filtered 3 times using a coffee filter. The coffee filter was clogging quite a bit, so lucky I was using a washable one rather than paper. All looks nice and clear at the moment.




Create a sirup with sugar and Cahaca (sugar cane alcohol) to “dilute” the overall and finish the “liqueur”.

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Internet Enabled Thermal Printer

This is another Arduino project. I am using an Arduino Ethernet with a prototyping shield. Everything is in a Radio Shack box. I also use 2 Stainless steel led buttons. A green one, which is wired so that it is flush with the box when it is “on”. The Green led shows that it is working and pulsates when the Arduino is in PAUSE between checks of the TWEET feeds. The Blue Button, is also a Stainless steel button, but is a momentary button, allowing for interaction with the printer. At the moment it is only to switch between 2 different Tweet accounts. I intend to extend the use of this button to allow for more general uses of the setup.


I love the concept of Hard-Copy of a TWEET, which sounds like the complete opposite of what an Internet object should be.

Cave Stone => Egyptian Paper => Tweets => Internet Thermal Printer => What next ?

CNC Stone Engraver? -maybe a next project…

Here is a video of the Printer waiting, then pulling the latest Tweet.

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Did not play Tennis

This morning it is raining. Well it’s the UK so what do you expect. Actually, we played almost all winter, cold and windy it is still ok, rain …no.

Note that in the UK there is less rain than in most European countries. Actually London does not even make it to the top 10…(???) How can that be, I hear you say. Well, it is all down to how you measure it. If you measure the amount of rain or the number of days of rain. London gets less rain than Paris, but if you measure the number of days of rain, then London is 3rd after Copenhagen and Oslo. Check it.

Although London is thought of as being a “rainy” city, the top city of Zurich, Switzerland receives almost twice
as much precipitation as London (42.3 to 23.3 inches). London is among the driest of Europe’s capitals.

So, I was bored by 7h30 this morning and decided that if I could not get fit, I should get fat. So I decided to make some butter. Yes, real butter from scratch.

Recipe is very straight forward :

  1. Take some double cream and pour in mixer. Add Salt to your taste.
  2. Beat the cream until fat separates from the buttermilk, this will take probably 20 minutes. So go and watch the rain fall on the garden…
  3. Rinse in a muslin under cold water
  4. Squeeze and Shape into a small cube. Keep the butter cold by rinsing it under cold water as you shape it.
  5. It’sReady !
  6. Put on warm toast…watch rain falling on garden and think about summer hosepipe ban


Posted in Cooking, Home Life | 2 Comments

Internet thing

Internet thingThis is my new Thing.

It is connected to the internet and is checking at regular intervals if there is any Tweets FROM my Twitter account or TO my twitter account. If it finds one, it retrieves it and print a hard copy of it for posterity…

All this is powered by the Arduino Ethernet, and a fairly simple sketch. I had the various bits required in my parts box and used the tutorials section of Ladyada website. The excellent Arduino cookbook from O’Reilly is also a great reference. I used the steps here to adapt for the bits I had and change the code to my needs. At this point it is all nice and functional it only needs a few LED buttons and a nice box.

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Processing test

This is a test to see if I can link a post to a Processing sketch.

It works on my local system. I Need to test remotely, very cool !

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School today

School today

This week boat build for my 7 years old school project. I know it is not very clever but I was given a total build time of about 2 hours and only 12 hours “notice”. (including office time)

It floats, it has a white skull and bones, and that is about it.

Still we managed to get a “tie” in the race on the class water tub race track…

When I shared with the Office colleagues, I got some much stick ! My boss threatened of calling the child abuse support line…

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Sunday breakfast

Sunday breakfast

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New Toy

New Toy

Living it up west street style. Respect. Second One (feat. MC Olive).


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New drawers

New drawers

Installed new Ikea Drawers for my Office.

Simply used the Kitchen units from Ikea, got them delivered directly.

I like the functionality of lots of drawers.

I used stainless steel fronts and walnut side panel. took me about 2 hours to build the whole things, mostly spent on the drawers and drilling for the handles.

Office looks a bit more tidy now. still a lot of stuff around…

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Logging to thermal printer

Logging to thermal printer

Playing some more with my arduino and shields.

Got the Thermal printer working by following the LadyAda website tutorials.

It is work in progress at early stage…

First objective is to build a temperature logging that allow to print the last few measures at the press of a small button.

Maybe something like the last 24 hours or the last 60 minutes.

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Playing with ScaleXtrics

Got a new car for the Scalextrics but it was not a digital ready one. Big disappointment as we got home. Anyway, got a digital chip and started installing it in the “not compatible” car. I had to workout the wiring which is very simple. It is a 4 pins plug, with 2 for the incoming signal from the track and 2 going to the motor and/or lights.

I decided to wire the lights directly to the track input so that they would always be “on” when the car is on the track.

I used some Sugru to put the electronic chip in the car and keep it stable. I absolutely love that stuff. It is really nice for fixing things like this and stays slightly flexible and bouncy. Ideal for this.

Finally I had to cut out the inside bits of the bodywork so that the electronics would fit. I used my dremel with a small disc to make precise cuts in the plastic.

Below,  the wiring diagram setup and a couple of pictures of the process.



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Day out in London


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She wins it all !

She wins it all !

Note to self : “Do not play Poker against Wife, unless ready to loose it all “…

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Home front

New light at front of houseThe House needed a new light, this square design made of stainless steel should last at least 6 months (…) in the United Kingdom where 80% humidity is a daily occurrence.


This gave me the opportunity to use a few power tools. Nobody should ever complain about that.

On This occasion, the most notable was the Makita SDS, drilling into solid brick like if it was butter. 2X Size 8mm holes, depth about 4 cm in less than 30 seconds.

Dealing with electrics always makes me nervous!

I usually triple check the wiring with a voltmeter after tripping the fuse for the particular circuit. I usually do not trip the whole house because of the computers and server and home security and etc, so its always a bit “special” when I first touch the bare wires with my hands ! My electrician told me that the most important thing was to always take great care of insulating oneself from the live wires with “air” being the most efficient one. (i.e. not touching at all). My brother has been known to make sparks and flying screwdrivers.

He is still around but with a reduced amount of nervous system. (joke)

I’m Still here…

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Liqueur de Cassis Recipe


This recipe for a fruit liqueur was sent to me from my uncle from Belgium. It is a recipe from my Grand Dad, note the beautiful writing. I am definitely giving it a go this weekend. Obviously I will do it my way because I will never be able to do anything like “his”, and I don’t want to forget “his” Liqueur de cassis.


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Wife is teasing me

Manu is in Paris with the kids, taking pictures…and eating well with Friends and Family.

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Perfect after shopping meal

Perfect after shopping meal

Hakkasan is a nice place to relax after a long day of shopping. It is close to the crossing of Tottenham court road and Oxford Street. (Here)

1x Fried Soft Shell Crab
1x Mixed Dumpling Platter
1x Steamed Rice
2x Sapporo.


The restaurant gained a Michelin star rating in 2003.

The British Restaurant magazine released its sixth annual global ranking of the 50 Best Restaurants in April 2008. Hakkasan was rated 19th in the list, with a total of five London restaurants listed.

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3D printing a Nerf Gun !

3D printing a Nerf Gun !

This is my Makerbot printing a Nerf Gun for the kids.

The source file was downloaded from Thingiverse.

I “pimped” my bot with some blue led strips which make the red ABS plastic more visible when we are printing.


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M40 – Midnigth – 4th Feb 2012

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