2023 – Happy New Year !

100 Frames loop, coded in Processing using a variation of Etienne Jacob’s wiggles. All 100 PNG files were converted into a GIF using an online tool.


I call it: “Mind Fireworks”

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Marrons Glaces – Candied Chestnuts

I am in the process of making some candied chestnuts for Christmas gifts.

Marrons Glaces!

It is super easy once you can source cleaned-up chestnuts. The best I have found are from Costco in bags of 500g from the brand Galil.




How to Make :

  • Put 300g of Sugar in 300g of water in a saucepan and let boil.
  • Put the 500g of Chestnuts into the syrup and let warm up until it boils for a few minutes.
  • Let it rest until the following day in the pan.
  • After 24 hours, re-boil for a few minutes. Let it rest.
  • After another 24 hours, re-boil for a few minutes. Let it rest.
  • Finally, carefully remove all the chestnuts from the syrup and lay them on a silicone sheet.
  • Put into the oven at 70 degrees celsius for an hour or so or until the chestnuts are all “dry”. This is the very tricky part. You do not want the marrons to go to hard. So keep this as short as possible.
  • Put them into conserves and make gifts of them…
  • Optional: Roll them into icing sugar. I use granular sugar, which I blitz with the coffer grinder.




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I won stuff at tennis !

Apparently, I won the most sets for the Club…

In 2022, I played 37 sets and won 21 of them for the club, Martin is the closest behind me with 37 sets, but he won only 14 of them.

Next, best is Arnaud, with 30 sets played for the club and 16 won.

Next is Fred with 26 sets and 10 won…

Do you notice a trend? Yes, we are all French!

The first Brit is Mark S., with 26 sets and 11 won.


Although I play for fun, I must say that getting a small cup in front of my friends was a nice feeling.

I hope I stay healthy and keep playing for the club for as long as possible.

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Winter is almost here

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New-York 2009

Want to save this…it feels like a long time ago and yesterday at the same time.


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A Good Deal ! (of work)

A deal is never done until it is done…

13/09/2022 is our day.

We just closed our investors for approximately Euro 30 million to build a state-of-the-art facility and provide the working capital to our business until positive cash flow.


It is a good deal for the investor and our business.

What an incredible journey so far with many doubts and setbacks.

It is probably only the beginning of the overall journey. Still, we had to celebrate the moment and enjoy the present just for the time of a couple of cocktails…..large and outrageous cocktails like our ambitions to build something out of the ordinary.

Although I would consider that I have been very lucky over most of my life, I am very certain that what we have achieved so far is the result of a lot of hard teamwork.

On many occasions, I doubt the need to do any of this, and in some strange way, I hope that the future will bring me more understanding of why I am doing it.





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Our Queen, “The” Queen

“God Bless our Queen”

8th of September 2022





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Satelite thingy

I was inspired by this creator and discovered a whole world of tiny electronics designs. The internet can be such an amazing place to learn new skills.

I tried to “copy” the designs and had a lot of fun creating my own versions.

I already had a good grasp of some of the prerequisites like Arduino and soldering and programming, but it still was a challenge to get it all to work as expected.

I was frustrated by some of the components which I purchased on the internet which required some hardcore programming. (at least for me). Flashing a new bootloader on a completely blank chip was a new experience.

It uses an ATTINY85, which is similar to the Arduino things I have used before but in a very small package and also consumes very little energy. Especially when in sleep mode.

It uses brass wires as the structure and part of the electronic circuit. The soldering is a bit tricky as the parts are so small and difficult to hold. I am pleased with my first attempt.

I used some small calculator-type solar panels as the sole source of energy and supercapacitors to provide for energy storage. The chip is programmed so that it is in sleep mode for a couple of seconds or so, then wake up to blink one led or more, then goes back to sleep, forever.

I have programmed the ATTINY so that it blinks all the time, day and night. The voltage and power are very low overall, but ATTINY is managing it very well. I had to set up some brownout fuses, but the code is fairly simple.

I started with the cube version and then made the “lander” version. Today my favourite is the lander. I am looking to make more copies and improve my overall design.

I am currently exploring how to increase the voltage on the circuits so that I can use coloured LEDs which require a slightly higher voltage than the current circuit allows for.

I have discovered that it is not as simple as double the size of the capacitors or doubling the size of the panels etc….been playing with the new oscilloscope to track what is going on in the electronics.

So much to learn still.


Update Feb. 2023: Sometimes the sun is too weak to fill the capacitor, I then use my bench power supply to fill the capacitor and restart the chip. I simply apply 2.5 Volts on the capacitor leads.


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AIOLI de Gilles 2022


The best Garlic Mayo on the planet is the one I have at my brother-in-law’s place in the South of France…..

Check out his recipe….


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A warm day of 2022, 19th of july

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Made a Hammer

I was inspired by this internet find :


So I made my own, which I think I prefer…


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Making some Bretzels today



  • 185g Flour
  • 4g Yeast
  • 1 teaspoon  Sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon Salt for dough.
  • 10g Sea salt for decorating the Bretzel
  • 175g of warm milk
  • 35g butter
  • 40g Bicarbonate / Baking Soda (this is not baking powder)

Once done, 15g melted butter.

How to make :

  • Mix flour, sugar, salt and yeast in a bowl.
  • Measure the butter into a glass jar and melt into the microwave for 30 seconds (cover with cling film or it will splash)
  • add 175g of milk and warm up in the microwave for 30 seconds or until warm but not hot.
  • add the milk mixture to the flour and make a dough. Knead to incorporate the milk into the flour. You should have a smooth dough ball. (It starts wet and gets better as you knead).
  • Let the dough rest in a bowl for 90 minutes.
  • Once the dough has rested, cut it into 8 equal pieces.
  • Roll into 50cm long strings
  • Shape the Bretzel by making a U shape, then take one side over the other twice, then bring both sides to the bottom of the U, and push a little to make a good seal.

  • Preparing a pan with boiling water and the baking soda, keep a gentle boil.
  • Take each Bretzel shaped dough and dip it in the boiling water for 30 seconds on each side.
  • Put onto a cooking tray with a silicone sheet.
  • Cover all the Bretzels with approximately 10g of Sea Salt or Kosher Salt
  • Cook in the pre-heated oven at 180 degrees fan assisted for 10 to 15 minutes depending on the colour you like on the bretzels.
  • Let cool down on a rack and when ready to eat smush some melted butter on top…this step is compulsory (as not optional ; )


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My boys ! Already amazing men…

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Some days

Some days….do not mess with me… or I will be prickly…

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Whisky Camembert

So easy to do and super nice as an aperitif dish or as the main cheese dish.

Make some fresh bread or pitta bread to dip into the melted cheese.

Simply scoop a teaspoon or 2 out of the middle of the Camembert, put a bit of whisky into the hole, and then pick a few branches of thyme herb from the garden around the circumference.

Put into the oven at 180 degrees celsius for 10 minutes until melting in the middle.



Use a dish of the correct size so that the whole cheese does not pour out into your oven!

There is plenty of fun designs here!


Like a mini cheese fondue. Delicious…

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Must update my blog…

Feels like forever since my last post. Been too busy with my new business and feel trapped in something I don’t need.

I enjoy the adventure but it is costing me too much in my personal time, I though I had put all that behind me.

I need to find a way to balance better this exciting project and my true objective in life which is to live more in the present. (I really struggle to do that).


Been doing some electronics and learning new things, will post here soon.

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Happy Valentine !










Decided to make some more generative art. Was inspired by something I saw on the internet. The Zeroes and the Ones are spelling Happy Valentine in binary code!

I take each letter and convert it into a binary representation. I make a large image with only white zeroes and ones. I then load separately a heart image and scan every pixel of the image to modify the colour of the appropriate one or zero. I use a colour palette which I created using some colours from another picture. I then displayed it on my computer screen and took a picture of the image at an angle. Finally, I applied a couple of filters using my phone. Voila!

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More Creative Coding


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Just love the way this looks !

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Hacking about the TFL API – Traffic

The internet is amazing. I wanted to build a web page with access to the local Video surveillance cameras around key places of my interest for when I want to drive to central London or to my new office in Richmond.

The TFL Stuff here.

Been exploring the TFL API to discover the location of cameras and other interesting items that are being stored on the TFL API. For example, I discovered that TFL keeps a log of all the electric charging points with details about location and charging power etc…


Link to Traffic Videos.


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