Author Archives: Olivier Dehon

Garde Manger

I made this “Garde-manger” to keep my Copa Corona and all the future dry-aged hams and duck and other things that need maturing away from the insects… It probably translates loosely to the pantry. I will also be used for … Continue reading

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Generative Art

This is my first Generative Art design on using the white polypropylene I used for the NHS Shields. (I am using wastage). It is called “Mummy and Daughter”. I have always been interested in Generative Art, my latest project on … Continue reading

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Helping a bit the NHS…update

Over the last few weeks, I got myself involved in trying to help the NHS to cope with the Corona Virus outbreak. It feels a bit more practical than just the clapping on Thursdays. There is nothing more satisfying than … Continue reading

Posted in CNC & 3D Printing, Home Life, Laser, Virus update | Leave a comment

Corona Virus links

The first post of this was done on the 17th of March 2020. Just keeping track of Total cases and deaths for 3 countries of my interest today.   Update 20th August 2020 : Just back from a holiday in … Continue reading

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Changing subject

A quick post to move away from Virus stuff… As I have been making a few biscuits/waffles calling for either levure chimique or baking powder of Baking soda. I have tried to understand the differences. Levure Chimique and Baking Powder … Continue reading

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Helping NHS – Staying home

After a couple of frustrating days trying to get my 3D printer to work as it is supposed to, I managed to get my first Face Shield made using a Czech design for a crowd of 3D printing enthusiast helping … Continue reading

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Cedar Gas Bottle

I am going nutz with this confinement thing….did this today…it is on wheels so can move easily around. The top is like a hat to have easy access to the bottle. It is also open on the back to slip … Continue reading

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New Project

Need a new project….thinking of doing something like this…It is a small stainless steel ball which appears to roll magically over sand and leaving nice patterns in the sand like to some Japanese Zen garden techniques. It is like a … Continue reading

Posted in Coding, Electronics, Home Life, Laser | Leave a comment

Virus Simulator

With the home confinement imposed by the epidemic of the COVID-19 virus, I have been doing many projects that I had on hold for long. But also started new ones… I saw a nice explanation of the impact of containment … Continue reading

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End of Week 1- Coppa Corona

Time for me to check on my Corona-Coppa… started this a week and a half ago. It is a piece of pork shoulder which I have started to cure about 10days ago. I salted the meat with Kosher salt for … Continue reading

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Same Place different soul

Since we are now on confinement and only allowed to go out alone and for essential reasons, I cannot go out on a ride with the motorbike beast. So I converted my authorised sports activity to be a cycling ride … Continue reading

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In a continuation of the survival to virus series….here is an essential recipe for keeping the moral on a high. It is an international recipe with Belgian Sugar, French  Butter and Pralin, Swiss Chocolate, English eggs, Canadian Flour…probably could stretch … Continue reading

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Just before confinement…

It is a bit more than a year that Guy left us. So much has happened since and the recent events are putting a lot of things in perspective. Decided to take Guy on a motorbike ride with me today. … Continue reading

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Stay Calm

  Staying home does not feel like fighting an enemy or being brave as the invisible threat invades our hospitals. Made this small incent burner from Japanese inspiration, trying to find the much needed inner calm that we all want … Continue reading

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Survival skills #1 – Bread Making

A family fun thing, I was challenged by a brother in law to explain my bread recipe in a short video… Here you go: Video link   Good health to all.

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Word Clock

Yes, that is right, not a world clock, a word clock. It tells the time in English… Made it all from scratch using online inspiration, in particular, the faceplate.     I saw this first online a long time ago … Continue reading

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Just another Friday !


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Les Olives de Gilles et Chantal

At last Gilles et Chantal are over to visit our house and to discover London…last visit was probably when Jules was born so close to 20 years….     Because I cannot find “Lessive de soude” (a 30% Caustic Soda … Continue reading

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Bike fitting

A quick post to record how to set up a mountain bike for a good fit. This link is a good explanation.

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Happy Valentine !

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