More laser with Bamboo


I recently bought some Bamboo sheets. Hobarts is the first one I think to be selling these sheets. They are quite expensive at the moment with circa £15 for a 600X400 sheet. That is approx 3X the price of acrylic sheets and 5X the price of a normal plywood sheet.

bamboo5I have experimented with the laser cutter and it cuts very easily. The smoke has a different smell which gets a bit of getting used to.

With this wood you need to consider in which direction the wood grain is, in particular if you are going to put some stress across the grain. In contrast with the plywood sheets, the bamboo is glued in the @length@ and therefore is fairly weak in one of the 2 dimensions.

It makes nice boxes and the grain allows for some “effects” like simulating traditional joint or dove tail effects.

I made a box for Manu to put the “mess” of the various medications and vitamins are that re usually lying on the counter. They are all out of sight now in a simple box.

I also made a “trivet” for a good friend. They now have the “original”. I even forgot to take a picture.

I like the idea that such a simple and common item will be part of their everyday life but also a reminder of our friendship.


It is also Sunday evening and although I am not keen on getting back to the office, I am also glad that I can still help my son with some equations solving…well almost…

Must make another trivet so that I can take a picture and post here…

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A few things I made this weekend

weekend8Desperately needed a bit of time off this weekend. Last week and next few weeks are going to be horrible at work.

Went cycling on Staturday morning, then did a some DIY around the house and garden.

Made a design during the week and wanted to try on the Bamboo wood with the laser cutter. The top opens by rotating around a small bolt. It stays closed because of a couple of neodymium magnets. Came out nice. I might create a few different shape designs.

The Bamboo cuts nicely and there is not too much mess to clean-up after the cutting. I did 2 boxes, the first one was my “prototype” and then moved to the bamboo sheet which is a little bit more expensive.

I will use the bamboo one to keep a few seeds from the peppers I like to try to grow them next year !…

Installed a few lights in the garden. Struggled with the 12V connections, there is no good 3 way connection for 12V lighting. It is all proprietary connections or simply soldering bits together. I ended-up soldering pieces of wires and using self-amalgamating tape to make weather proof.

I spent  bit of time polishing the lights to make them last a bit longer this winter. Replaced it all with LED lights. All looking quite nice.




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Beef Cuts

A nice infographic summary of the various beef cuts and cooking levels…beef cutscooking_rare




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Experiment in Solar – Updated Aug 2016

solar10Just been recently thinking of using Solar Panels to provide power to recharge for my electric bike. The idea is to use a battery to store the electricity from the sun, use a DC to AC converter to power the bike charger which can charge the batteries of the bike.

Given that I use the bike during weekends mostly, the speed at which the “storage battery” will charge is not a big problem. So I can charge the storage battery over a few days and use it during the weekend. I need to make sure the storage battery is big enough for a couple of charges of the bike.

I don’t want to go overboard in terms of spend and I want to explore some different technologies as I have noticed that the price points and the technology in general is evolving at a rapid pace.

I have ordered a few parts which hopefully will get me to a working prototype and I will be able to make a few tests.

[UPDATE] I bought a solar Panel obviously (a 100W – Monocrystal from SunPower), a charger controller, a 12V Car battery and finally a Pure Sine Inverter. The charger uses a MPPT algorithm and electronics setup which is supposed to be better at harvesting power than the usual PWM charger. I bought a standard car battery to start and might upgrade later to a Deep Cycle leisure battery, if this proof of concept works. The inverter is the device that will convert the continuous 12 volts from the battery to a 230V with 50HZ.

So far so good…

[UPDATE] It works ! I have recharged the bicycle batteries a few times now. There is no difference in charging duration. It is like simply plugging the charger into a wall socket. Just that the electricity is coming from the battery and through the inverter. There is no humming noise or heat generated etc…Obviously the battery itself discharges quite quickly given the amount of energy I drain from it. The official Bosch charger draws about 180W when it is in “full charge mode”, once the batteries are 80% charged, the charger adjust down the amperage to trickle charge the finish. The consumption drops to 40/60W and lower until Zero when fully charged.

I have also tried to use it with a couple of power tools. The latest being my Fein sander. It worked without issue at all. I started with a low speed first to ensure I was not drawing too much current on the inverter and then cranked it up. All fine.

Very pleased with this setup. I suppose, it would be possible to make all this gear fit in a smaller space and make it portable to move around. The big drawback it the fact that the car battery is so heavy in compare to the lithium batteries. It would be very expensive to make a solar system with a storage bank of lithium batteries.

What I have learned about this solar experiment is that most of the issue with Solar power is not so much generating the electricity but storing it for future use. Solar essentially trickles from the sky and we need to harvest it into batteries to be able to use it. The fact that the solar panels have 20% efficiency or 19% is a bit irrelevant if you can store it for the day you need it.

I will wait for the Tesla power walls

[UPDATE – Aug 2016]

I have plugged a Raspberry Pi into the main inverter and it is now “on” all the time. I am planning to build a connection between the Raspberry Pi and the Solar controller so that I can track the energy generated and consumed by the overall system. I have found a few tutorials on the Net on how to connect this particular charger to a computer and will need to adapt it to the Raspberry Pi. So far, I am just making sure that the Rapsberry Pi can run all day all night all the time and not “burn” too much of the power from the battery.

Would also like to experiment with the ideal angle the solar panels should be. At the moment, I have laid them flat on the top of the roof structure. With a bit of browsing, it seems that I could improve the efficiency by having them angled at 40 to 50 degres and facing south, this might not be practical for my particular setup but it would be interesting to see how much more energy I could extract by changing those parameters.

Another long term project.


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Flowers from the Garden


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Incent Box

incent3I made these following a “shopping day” of my wife and sister-in-law. As they came back from what was a “modest” shopping spree, they shared what they had bought and all the good bargains, including some incent sticks.

The shop (Selfridges) was displaying the incent in a nice box, but the cost of it was eye-watering. The brand is Fornasetti. The incent itself was quite expensive as well. Selfridges sells the incent for £45 and the box for £145 !, sounds a bit expensive for something that is just going to burn in smoke… So they decided to buy a single set of incent betwen the two of them and did not buy the fancy box.

As I was told the story in the evening, it came to me that I should try to make a “fancy” box myself.

I found a nice picture, similar to the one used on the “real” box and designed a simple box that would fit the size of the incent sticks.

I adjusted the picture for size and converted it to black and white so that it would engrave on the laser machine.

The assembly is very easy as long as you take time to make sure the top will fit appropriately with the bottom. Using wood glue allows for some adjustment time and once sanded the wood grain is beautiful. I have now made a few with a couple of different picture designs and my preferred is the ones that are simply made of plain wood.

This is another project that would be a great school project for kids of all ages. The design of the box on the 3D Cad system is reasonably easy and can be done with free tools like Onshape or others. Most schools will have laser cutters in their main workshop. The amount of wood used for making these boxes is reasonable and you can optimise the space used in the laser to “cut” two boxes at the same time.

For sure, buying a laser cutter to make wooden boxes to avoid buying expensive ones in the shop is not a good business decision…but the skills that you learn are so much more valuable.

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test 2

[socialfeed id=’1801′]

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Helping a friend

geraud13I struggled with the laser to create this “easy” project.

The aim is to create a template for soldering a train set “catenaire”. This is made of brass parts that require precise soldering. The wood template allows for the parts to be put inside small track before being soldered together.

We started creating an Autocad Inventor file and exporting the “faces” as usual. Unfortunately this would create some faulty files which the laser could not understand. Some parts needed vector cutting and others engraving. The engraving could not be done because the DXF file created by autocad inventor was creating conflicts of overlaps and non-closed loops.

Igeraud1 initially discounted the use of a JPG because of the requirement for precise sizing of various part on the template in mm or sub-mm.







After many trials and errors, including the creation of a file on the CNC router X-Carve. I just reverted to the JPG method and sized the file inside the lasercut software. Although it was not as “elegant”, it got the part done which sometimes is the only thing that really counts.

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Quadcopter Legs

quad5As I was building the new Discovery Pro quadcopter, I realised that it would be better if it had longer legs to accommodate for the fact that the camera tilting mechanism would hit the ground during setup.

Also, it seems like a good idea as well for any rough landing in high grass.

I searched the internet a little and found a nice design that seemed to fit the bill. Also, it would allow me to use the laser cutter. My favourite tool.

I replicated the design using autocad inventor and then exported the face to a DXF file which I then open in the lasercut 5.3. I then send the file to the laser for cutting. Simply position the 3mm plywood at the right level and hit @START@…

I then attached the legs using some zip ties

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A bit of Summer

strawberry yellow

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Spring is here…

Blog-1Spring is here !








Well not in the office…Blog-2

Lots of changes and nothing feels good. Hopefully we can start with new seeds and rebuild.






Recent news in the Press :

” Xerox Corp.’s Ursula Burns is giving up the title of chief executive when the 110-year-old company splits in two later this year.

Burns, 57 years old, has spent her entire career at the document company XRX, +0.99% , working her way up from an internship in 1980 to become the first black woman to lead a Fortune 500 company. She is one of 20 women who held the CEO position at an S&P 500 company as of Feb. 3, according to Catalyst, a nonprofit research group.

The CEO’s voice briefly wavered Friday during her annual shareholders address in Norwalk, Conn., to a small gathering of executives and investors, which she called “a sad day for me, but a happy day as well.”
She will continue as chairman and CEO until the separation and become chairman of its legacy hardware business under the new structure.

Burns has run the company since 2009 and announced plans in January to split Xerox into two publicly traded companies. One will sell and manage office machines, and the other will provide back-office services.

On Friday, Burns also warned of more layoffs in the coming months.

In April, Xerox said its first-quarter profit fell 85%, and executives cautioned investors that preparing the company to break up would cost more than expected. The stock is down 14% this year.”


Weekends are a great opportunity to forget it all and spend time learning new things.

For example, I was trying to understand the various brands of fertiliser available for purchase. Although the European laws are making it easier to understand what is inside the bottle, it is still difficult to workout in store which is best for what. I am currently trying to test each one to see what they do and how my plants adapt of change. The most amazing one so far has been the citrus feed for my Kaffir Lime Tree, one week after feeding the plant with the feed, I had brand new leaves and a very healthy looking plant.

Still a mystery at this point but found that the ratios of Nitrate, Potassium, Calcium (NPK) are important and each one has some impact to the overall health of the plants. I find the science around plants very similar to Marine Aquarium science. A lot of experimentation, a lot of opinions and still a lot of trial and errors. No perfect answer for everything. Bugs in particular are a great mystery for me. Life is supposed to be this incredibly fragile thing and bugs appear from nowhere in to eat all my plants !

The plants in the garage with the hydroponic lamp have done well, but it is hard to ensure that they stay alive given the heat and the speed at which they can dry out because of the small pots.

I saved my Curry leaves tree. I did not provide water properly during the winter. At some point it lost all of its leafs and I had to take the plant to the garage hydroponics to give it “emergency” support. I really thought the plant was dead, but kept watering when the soil was dry and providing light. Amazingly, as the other plants started to grow for spring, the curry leaf tree started to grow its own new small green leafs. It was then attacked by bugs, and all the leafs died again ! Over the last couple of weeks, I have seen new branches growing and the plant is strong. I used a little of that citrus feed on it !

I really want to make that auto feeding system and still exploring the use of a Raspberry Pi for it. Jules made some great progress on a prototype with web access to the data and logging of temperature and soil humidity. We have to work on the water feed system as it is difficult to provide water to all the pots without creating a mess. I do not want to connect the system to the mains as I am worried of water damage and a major leak. I have tried to use a small pump and some garden centre pot watering kit, but the pressure is not high enough to make a proper spray. The balancing of the water between all the pots is also complicated as you have brand new plants and some adult plants. Ideally you would want some sort of robotic arm providing water like a human would do. Checking the needs of each plant and providing the right level of water and feed as required. It is all possible and not very difficult. However it requires time which is the most precious thing, I do not have.


This is a long term project…


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Outside cover

Made this today


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Smoked Ham or Jambon fume

jambon5Last weekend I wanted to make some ham from scratch. Bought a large piece of pork and started the process.

Ingredients :

  • Pork (shoulder or other as you want). In UK it is called gammon when ham is uncooked.
  • Cooking twine
  • Salt / Pepper / Water / Some meat Rub (or spices of your choice) / Cloves
  • Smoker box for the BBQ
  • Wood for the smoking part


How to make it :

Make a marinade with water, and all the spices. Poke the meat with cloves. I also decided to tenderise the meat with a “spikes” utensils.


This allows for the marinade to go through the whole of the ham.Leave in the marinade in the fridge for at least 12 hours or overnight. You need to make sure the piece of pork will stay all together, so it is a good idea to twine the whole piece. Bring the BBQ to 275 Fahrenheit or 135 Celsius, put the wood chips into water to soak. Put the wood in the smoker and in the BBQ so that it warms up and eventually starts smoking. Cook the ham in an aluminium tray for 2 hours or more. It is a form of slow cooking, so do not hesitate to leave it longer. Once cooked, leave to rest and cool down. Put into the fridge for a few hours. It is obviously possible to do this with an oven (minus the smoking).


Once the meat has cooled down, you can slice it thinly and use for your sandwiches or as a nice appetizer with a glass of wine. This was my first try, the final product was good but I was a little disappointed that the smoking had not gone all the way into the ham. The smoking process was very nice because the smell of the wood was very nice in our garden for the whole afternoon.

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Charity Sports Medals

IMG_4284Made some medals for the office charity event from the Graduates. Don’t know yet how the event went but I a sure everybody had a good time !


As usual, I used the laser…


Made the design with Inventor, then loaded into illustrator CC, then saved as an “old file format” of illustrator so that the Laser software could understand it, then laser cut, then light pass of sand paper to take the flame out away, then paint with a coat of primer, then paint with silver, gold and left blank wood for the bronze medals. A few hours work for charity all well worth it.



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Cycling with my Brother

Very nice day cycling with my brother in Saint Albans. Lovely and pure fun when the electric motor kicks in for the hills….

Pure pleasure !






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Ipad Tablet Stand

tablet6I have been using my laser cutter quite a lot recently !

One of my recent design was from a request from my wife to have a small simple stand for her ipad mini to use in the kitchen.

Although it all look very simple once done, it is actually a bit more complicated to design so that it is stable, simple and looks reasonably nice, need access to the button, can be easily moved around the table top, cuts quickly, etc…

I asked Noe to help me and he accepted to cut short one of his internet games to come and help me glue it all together.

I had a few requests for copies from family and friends and obliged…

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Bicycle Shock Sag

This is a typical thing that I would think about during the week and then make during the weekend.

As I have to review Selling, Admin and General Costs (SAG) all the time in the office, I wait for the weekend to go on my amazing electric bicycle.

One of the setup you need to do when riding those fancy mountain bikes is to ensure that the SAG on the suspension is set correctly for your weight and riding position. This is done by measuring the amount of use of the full travel of the shocks when sitting on the bike at rest.

The typical value is 15% to 20% SAG on the front shock and 30% on the main rear shock. The exact value depends on the brand and on the model of the various shocks etc…

20% would give you a plush ride and 15% a firm ride.

A small rubber ring is attached to the shock and allow you to @see@ how much sag you have. However you must measure it with a tape measurer and then do some calculations to validate the correct level of SAG. Length of the travel at rest compared to full travel capability of the shock.

Nothing better than the Laser cutter to convert a small piece of wood into the perfect measuring tape system for the bike.

I made many drawings every evening of the week refining the design to what I wanted. Finally reached the weekend and made the part. Attached it to my bicycle keys and went for a ride and burn a bit of the fat around my waist….and the stress of solving the SAG problems in the office !

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Laser Lamp

lamp3I continue to love my laser cutter. Probably one of my preferred electric tool in the workshop. It is bulky, and a bit scary to use but it feels like cheating or magic.

It is the kind of tool that make your mind explode with ideas. I know I will never have enough time in my lifetime to use it properly. It seems like a waste of money when you think that some people build entire businesses on the back of one of these machines. I find so much satisfaction in using this tool that it is all worth it.

My life at work is all about process, control, analytics and unfortunately making some unpopular decisions.

I find in my workshop the opportunity to spend time free of constraints and simply let go some creative juice. At the same time, the tools I use are challenging intellectually to make them work properly. Sometimes it is very frustrating as the tools do not work as you think they will, or something breaks, or something trips the whole electrics of the house and everybody in my house hates me ! (…a bit like in the office then)

Net net, I learn new skills every time I use one of my tools in my digital fabrication laboratory, I do not necessary make anything special but I like to compare it to playing the guitar for most enthusiasts. I do not intent to create a new “Purple Rain” but simply let myself go with the flow.

This weekend, I was determined to create a Laser cut lamp. Using one of my LIFX light bulbs.

I wanted to replicate one of those designs that you can find at John Lewis or some trendy designer stores. I made the design in Inventor and then laser cut the parts. It is only 3 parts. A bottom ring to hold the light bulb, a top ring to hold the shape and 20 blades to go round the overall design. I signed one of the blades to keep a souvenir of @when@ I made this lamp.

I am already planning a taller brother to this lamp design. Just need to find a bit more time to actually make it….

[UPDATE] I finally got some time to make the taller version. I am very pleased with the overall project. I love the “Mother and son” type of relationship between the lamps. Although the picture here is showing the very colourful lamps, it actually is nicer in my opinion with more simple colour schemes or some off-white colours.

lamp1 lamp2


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Broke a Broom

broom9I was washing the outside glass of the conservatory using a water hose attached to a broom…yes I know…I am not usually a fan of those Jerry Rigged setups….

Well, I am glad I did not fall from the roof, however the broom did and I broke the attachment from the handle to the broom.

Long story short I decided to re-build it. We can save this broom.

Noe helped me make the design in the inventor software, exported it to Makerbot, waited for the print to come out. Noticed a slight mistake in the design. Re-design in Inventor, re-print.

Et Voila ! Almost as good as new.

Fairly impressed with the strength of the part. I printed it with 75% infill in PLA and it is strong .

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Avocado Growing

avocado12Wanted to add a new plant to my hydroponics experiments. I have had plenty of setbacks recently with my lack of attention to watering….!

I really need to get moving on that Raspberry pi controlled watering system, it has been in the works for probably 12 months or more. Jules has already made a proof of concept and the code is ready for deployment…still need to make a box and work out what exactly we are going to do with that project. It is a lot harder than it first seem to program a machine to measure the soil humidity and provide the right plant with the appropriate amount of water. All this for another post in the future.

I wanted to print a 3D part that would make it easy to germinate an avocado seed. After a few web searches, I settled on the design in the pictures. It allows for the piece of plastic to sit nicely in a glass of water and allow for the roots to start….well hopefully.

I will post pictures of the thing at work, but first need to eat an avocado ! Did I mention that I was playing with this project at Easter ?


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